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Compare Tonga (2007) - European Union (2004)

Compare Tonga (2007) z European Union (2004)

 Tonga (2007)European Union (2004)
 TongaEuropean Union
Administrative divisions 3 island groups; Ha'apai, Tongatapu, Vava'u -
Age structure 0-14 years: 34.6% (male 20,624/female 19,779)

15-64 years: 61.2% (male 35,551/female 36,052)

65 years and over: 4.2% (male 2,087/female 2,828) (2007 est.)
0-14 years: 16.3%

15-64 years: 67.2%

65 years and over: 16.6% (July 2004 est.)
Agriculture - products squash, coconuts, copra, bananas, vanilla beans, cocoa, coffee, ginger, black pepper; fish wheat, barley, oilseeds, sugar beets, wine, grapes, dairy products, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, fish
Airports 6 (2007) total: 3,130

with paved runways: 1,834

with unpaved runways: 1,296 (2003)
Airports - with paved runways total: 1

2,438 to 3,047 m: 1 (2007)
Airports - with unpaved runways total: 5

1,524 to 2,437 m: 1

914 to 1,523 m: 3

under 914 m: 1 (2007)
Area total: 748 sq km

land: 718 sq km

water: 30 sq km
total: 3,976,372 sq km
Area - comparative four times the size of Washington, DC less than one-half the size of the US
Background Tonga - unique among Pacific nations - never completely lost its indigenous governance. The archipelagos of "The Friendly Islands" were united into a Polynesian kingdom in 1845. Tonga became a constitutional monarchy in 1875 and a British protectorate in 1900; it withdrew from the protectorate and joined the Commonwealth of Nations in 1970. Tonga remains the only monarchy in the Pacific. Following the two devastating World Wars of the first half of the 20th century, a number of European leaders in the late 1940s became convinced that the only way to establish a lasting peace was to unite the two chief belligerent nations - France and Germany - both economically and politically. In 1950, the French Foreign Minister Robert SCHUMAN proposed an eventual union of all of Europe, the first step of which would be the integration of the coal and steel industries of Western Europe. The following year the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was set up when six members, Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, signed the Treaty of Paris.

The ECSC was so successful that within a few years the decision was made to integrate other parts of the countries' economies. In 1957, the Treaties of Rome created the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM), and the six member states undertook to eliminate trade barriers among themselves by forming a common market. In 1967, the institutions of all three communities were formally merged into the European Community (EC), creating a single Commission, a single Council of Ministers, and the European Parliament. Members of the European Parliament were initially selected by national parliaments, but in 1979 the first direct elections were undertaken and they have been held every five years since.

In 1973, the first enlargement of the EC took place with the addition of Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. The 1980s saw further membership expansion with Greece joining in 1981 and Spain and Portugal in 1986. The 1992 Treaty of Maastricht laid the basis for further forms of cooperation in foreign and defense policy, in judicial and internal affairs, and in the creation of an economic and monetary union - including a common currency. This further integration created the European Union (EU). In 1995, Austria, Finland, and Sweden joined to the EU, raising the membership total to 15.

A new currency, the euro, was launched in world money markets on 1 January 1999; it became the unit of exchange for all of the EU states except Great Britain, Sweden, and Denmark. In 2002, citizens of the 12 euro-area countries began using euro banknotes and coins. Ten new countries joined the EU in 2004 - Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia - bringing the current membership to 25. In order to ensure that the EU can continue to function efficiently with an expanded membership, the 2003 Treaty of Nice set forth rules streamlining the size and procedures of EU institutions. An EU Constitutional Treaty, signed in Rome on 29 October 2004, gives member states two years to ratify the document before it is scheduled to take effect on 1 November 2006.

Despite the expansion of membership and functions, "Eurosceptics" in various countries have raised questions about the erosion of national cultures and the imposition of a flood of regulations from the EU capital in Brussels. Failure by member states to ratify the constitution or the inability of newcomer countries to meet euro currency standards might force a loosening of some EU agreements and perhaps lead to several levels of EU participation. These "tiers" might eventually range from an "inner" core of politically integrated countries to a looser "outer" economic association of members.
Birth rate 23.67 births/1,000 population (2007 est.) 10.2 births/1,000 population (July 2004 est.)
Budget revenues: $56.97 million

expenditures: $83.88 million (FY04/05)
Capital name: Nuku'alofa

geographic coordinates: 21 08 S, 175 12 W

time difference: UTC+13 (18 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)
Brussels, Belgium
Climate tropical; modified by trade winds; warm season (December to May), cool season (May to December) cold temperate; potentially subarctic in the north to temperate; mild wet winters; hot dry summers in the south
Coastline 419 km 65,413.9 km
Constitution 4 November 1875; revised 1 January 1967 based on a series of treaties: the Treaty of Paris, which set up the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951; the Treaties of Rome, which set up the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) in 1957; the Single European Act in 1986; the Treaty on European Union (Maastrict) in 1992; the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997; and the Treaty of Nice in 2001; note - a new draft Constitutional Treaty, signed on 29 October 2004 in Rome, gives member states two years for ratification either by parliamentary vote or national referendum before it is scheduled to take effect on 1 November 2006
Country name conventional long form: Kingdom of Tonga

conventional short form: Tonga

local long form: Pule'anga Tonga

local short form: Tonga

former: Friendly Islands
Currency - euro; pound (Cyprus), koruna (Czech Republic), krone (Denmark), kroon (Estonia), forint (Hungary), lat (Latvia), litas (Lithuania), lira (Malta), zloty (Poland), koruna (Slovakia), tolar (Slovenia), krona (Sweden), pound (UK)
Death rate 5.2 deaths/1,000 population (2007 est.) 10 deaths/1,000 population (July 2004 est.)
Debt - external $80.7 million (2004) $NA
Diplomatic representation from the US the US does not have an embassy in Tonga; the ambassador to Fiji is accredited to Tonga chief of mission: Ambassador Rockwell SCHNABEL

embassy: 13 Zinnerstraat (Rue Zinner), B-1000 Brussels

mailing address: same as above

telephone: [32] (2) 508-2222

FAX: [32] (2) 512-5720
Diplomatic representation in the US chief of mission: Ambassador Fekitamoeloa 'UTOIKAMANU

chancery: 250 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022

telephone: [1] (917) 369-1025

FAX: [1] (917) 369-1024

consulate(s) general: San Francisco
chief of mission: Ambassador John BRUTON

chancery: 2300 M Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20037

telephone: [1] (202) 862-9500

FAX: [1] (202) 429-1766
Disputes - international none -
Economic aid - donor - $NA
Economic aid - recipient $31.75 million (2005) -
Economy - overview Tonga has a small, open, South Pacific island economy. It has a narrow export base in agricultural goods. Squash, coconuts, bananas, and vanilla beans are the main crops, and agricultural exports make up two-thirds of total exports. The country must import a high proportion of its food, mainly from New Zealand. The country remains dependent on external aid and remittances from Tongan communities overseas to offset its trade deficit. Tourism is the second-largest source of hard currency earnings following remittances. The government is emphasizing the development of the private sector, especially the encouragement of investment, and is committing increased funds for health and education. Tonga has a reasonably sound basic infrastructure and well-developed social services. High unemployment among the young, a continuing upturn in inflation, pressures for democratic reform, and rising civil service expenditures are major issues facing the government. Domestically, the European Union attempts to lower trade barriers, adopt a common currency, and move toward convergence of living standards. Internationally, the EU aims to bolster Europe's trade position and its political and economic power. Because of the great differences in per capita income (from $10,000 to $28,000) and historic national animosities, the European Community faces difficulties in devising and enforcing common policies. For example, both Germany and France since 2003 have flouted the member states' treaty obligation to prevent their national budgets from running more than a 3% deficit. In 2004, the EU admitted 10 central and eastern European countries that are, in general, less advanced technologically and economically than the existing 15. The Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), an associated organization, introduced the euro as the common currency on 1 January 1999. The UK, Sweden, and Denmark do not now participate; the 10 new countries may choose to join the EMU when they meet its fiscal and monetary criteria and the member states so agree.
Electricity - consumption 32.55 million kWh (2005) 2.635 trillion kWh (2001)
Electricity - exports 0 kWh (2005) 234.8 billion kWh (2001)
Electricity - imports 0 kWh (2005) 245.7 billion kWh (2001)
Electricity - production 35 million kWh (2005) 2.822 trillion kWh (2001)
Elevation extremes lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 m

highest point: unnamed location on Kao Island 1,033 m
lowest point: Lammefjord, Denmark -7 m; Zuidplaspolder, Netherlands -7 m

highest point: Mount Blanc, France/Italy 4,807 m
Environment - current issues deforestation results as more and more land is being cleared for agriculture and settlement; some damage to coral reefs from starfish and indiscriminate coral and shell collectors; overhunting threatens native sea turtle populations NA
Environment - international agreements party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution

signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements
Hazardous Wastes, Biodiversity, Air Pollution, Antarctic-Marine Living Resources, Tropical Timber 82, Tropical Timber 94, Ozone Layer Protection, Air Pollution-Nitrogen Oxides, Air Pollution-Sulphur 94, Law of the Sea, Desertification, Climate Change; has signed, but not yet ratified: Air Pollution-Volatile Organic Compounds, Air Pollution-Persistent Organic Pollutants
Ethnic groups Polynesian, Europeans -
Exchange rates pa'anga per US dollar - 2.0277 (2006), 1.96 (2005), 1.9716 (2004), 2.142 (2003), 2.1952 (2002) euros per US dollar - 0.886 (2003), 1.0626 (2002), 1.1175 (2001)
Executive branch chief of state: King George TUPOU V (since 11 September 2006)

head of government: Prime Minister Dr. Feleti SEVELE (since 11 February 2006); Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Viliami TANGI (since 16 May 2006)

cabinet: Cabinet consists of 14 members, 10 appointed by the monarch for life; four appointed from among the elected members of the Legislative Assembly, including two each from the nobles' and peoples' representatives serving three-year terms

note: there is also a Privy Council that consists of the monarch, the cabinet, and two governors

elections: none; the monarch is hereditary; prime minister and deputy prime minister appointed by the monarch
chief of union: President of the European Commission Jose DURAO BARROSO (since 22 November 2004)

cabinet: European Commission (composed of 25 members, one from each member country; each commissioner responsible for one or more policy areas)

elections: the president of the European Commission is designated by member governments; the president-designate then chooses the other Commission members; the European Parliament confirms the entire Commission for a five-year term; election last held 18 November 2004 (next to be held 2009)

election results: European Parliament approved the European Commission by an approval vote of 449-149 with 82 abstentions

note: the European Council brings together heads of state and government and the president of the European Commission and meets at least twice a year; its aim is to provide the impetus for the major political issues relating to European integration and to issue general policy guidelines
Exports NA bbl/day 6.429 million bbl/day (2001)
Exports - commodities squash, fish, vanilla beans, root crops machinery, motor vehicles, aircraft, plastics, pharmaceuticals and other chemicals, fuels, iron and steel, nonferrous metals, wood pulp and paper products, textiles, meat, dairy products, fish, alcoholic beverages.
Exports - partners US 39.7%, Japan 27.8%, NZ 8.2%, South Korea 7.6% (2006) NA
Fiscal year 1 July - 30 June NA
Flag description red with a bold red cross on a white rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner on a blue field, 12 five-pointed gold stars arranged in a circle, representing the union of the peoples of Europe; the number of stars is fixed
GDP - purchasing power parity - $11.05 trillion (2004 est.)
GDP - composition by sector agriculture: 23%

industry: 27%

services: 50% (FY03/04 est.)
agriculture: 2.3%

industry: 28.3%

services: 69.4% (2004 est.)
GDP - per capita - purchasing power parity - $25,700 (2004 est.)
GDP - real growth rate 2.4% (2005 est.) 1% (2004 est.)
Geographic coordinates 20 00 S, 175 00 W -
Geography - note archipelago of 169 islands (36 inhabited) -
Heliports - 94 (2003)
Highways - total: 4,634,810 km (including 56,704 km of expressways)

paved: 4,161,318 km

unpaved: 473,492 km (1999-2000)
Household income or consumption by percentage share lowest 10%: NA%

highest 10%: NA%
lowest 10%: 2.9%

highest 10%: 25.2% (1995 est.)
Imports NA bbl/day 16.97 million bbl/day (2001)
Imports - commodities foodstuffs, machinery and transport equipment, fuels, chemicals machinery, vehicles, aircraft, plastics, crude oil, chemicals, textiles, metals, foodstuffs, clothing
Imports - partners Fiji 30.3%, NZ 27.7%, US 8.2%, Australia 7.5%, France 5.7%, UK 4.7% (2006) NA
Independence 4 June 1970 (from UK protectorate) 7 February 1992 (Maastricht Treaty signed establishing the EU); 1 November 1993 (Maastricht Treaty entered into force)
Industrial production growth rate 1% (2003 est.) 0.8% (2004 est.)
Industries tourism, fishing among the world's largest and most technologically advanced industries, including iron and steel, aluminum, petroleum, coal, cement, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, aircraft, railroad equipment, shipbuilding, electrical power equipment, machine tools, electronics, telecommunications equipment, fishing, food processing, furniture, paper, textiles and clothing, tourism
Infant mortality rate total: 11.99 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 13.3 deaths/1,000 live births

female: 10.61 deaths/1,000 live births (2007 est.)
total: 5.3 deaths/1,000 live births (July 2004 est.)
Inflation rate (consumer prices) 11.1% (2005 est.) 2% (2004 est.)
International organization participation ACP, AsDB, C, FAO, G-77, IBRD, ICAO, ICRM, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, ITU, ITUC, OPCW, PIF, Sparteca, SPC, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UPU, WCO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO (observer) European Union: ASEAN (dialogue member), ARF (dialogue member), EBRD, IDA, OAS (observer), OECD, WTO

European Commission: Australian Group, CBSS, CERN, FAO, G-10, NSG (observer), UN (observer)

European Central Bank: BIS

European Investment Bank: WADB (nonregional member)
Irrigated land NA 115,807 sq km
Judicial branch Supreme Court (judges are appointed by the monarch); Court of Appeal (Chief Justice and high court justices from overseas chosen and approved by Privy Council) European Court of Justice (ensures that the treaties are interpreted and applied correctly) - 25 Justices (one from each member state) appointed for a six-year term; note - for the sake of efficiency, the court can sit with 11 justices known as the "Grand Chamber"; Court of First Instance - 25 justices appointed for a six-year term
Labor force 33,910 (2003) 211.1 million
Labor force - by occupation agriculture: 65%

industry and services: 35% (1997 est.)
agriculture 4.3%, industry 29%, services 66.8% (2000)
Land boundaries 0 km total: 11,214.8 km

border countries: Albania 282 km, Andorra 120.3 km, Belarus 1,050 km, Bulgaria 494 km, Croatia 999 km, Holy See 3.2 km, Liechtenstein 34.9 km, Macedonia 246 km, Monaco 4.4 km, Norway 2,348 km, Romania 443 km, Russia 2,257 km, San Marino 39 km, Serbia and Montenegro 151 km, Switzerland 1,811 km, Turkey 206 km, Ukraine 726 km

note: data for European Continent only
Land use arable land: 20%

permanent crops: 14.67%

other: 65.33% (2005)
arable land: NA

permanent crops: NA
Languages Tongan, English Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish; note - only official languages are listed
Legal system based on English common law -
Legislative branch unicameral Legislative Assembly or Fale Alea (32 seats - 14 reserved for cabinet ministers sitting ex officio, nine for nobles selected by the country's 33 nobles, and nine elected by popular vote; members serve three-year terms)

elections: last held on 21 March 2005 (next to be held in 2008)

election results: Peoples Representatives: percent of vote - HRDMT 70%, other 30%; seats - HRDMT 7, independents 2
Council of the European Union (25 member-state ministers having 321 votes; the number of votes is roughly proportional to member-states' population); note - the Council is the main decision-making body of the EU; European Parliament (732 seats; seats allocated among member states by proportion to population); members elected by direct universal suffrage for a five-year term

elections: last held 10-13 June 2004 (next to be held June 2009)

election results: percent of vote - NA%; seats by party - EPP-ED 268, PES 202, ALDE 88, Greens/EFA 42, EUL/NGL 41, IND/DEM 36, UEN 27, independents 28
Life expectancy at birth total population: 70.12 years

male: 67.6 years

female: 72.76 years (2007 est.)
total population: 78.1 years

male: 74.9 years

female: 81.4 years (July 2004 est.)
Literacy definition: can read and write Tongan and/or English

total population: 98.9%

male: 98.8%

female: 99% (1999 est.)
Location Oceania, archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand Europe between Eastern Europe and the North Atlantic Ocean
Map references Oceania Europe
Maritime claims territorial sea: 12 nm

exclusive economic zone: 200 nm

continental shelf: 200 m depth or to the depth of exploitation
Merchant marine total: 14 ships (1000 GRT or over) 58,756 GRT/67,889 DWT

by type: bulk carrier 1, cargo 9, liquefied gas 1, livestock carrier 1, passenger/cargo 1, refrigerated cargo 1

foreign-owned: 3 (Australia 1, Switzerland 1, UK 1) (2007)
Military - note - In October 2004, the European Union heads of government signed a "constitutional treaty" that offers possibilities - with some limits - for increased defense and security cooperation. If ratified, in a process that may take some two years, this treaty will in effect make operational the European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) approved in the 2000 Nice Treaty. Despite limits of cooperation for some EU members, development of a European military planning unit is likely to continue. So is creation of a rapid-reaction military force and a humanitarian aid system, which the planning unit will support. France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Italy continue to press for wider coordination. The five-nation Eurocorps - created in 1992 by France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, and Luxembourg - has already deployed troops and police on peacekeeping missions to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo and assumed command of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan in August 2004. Eurocorps directly commands the 5,000-man Franco-German Brigade and the Multinational Command Support Brigade and will command EUFOR, which will take over from SFOR in Bosnia in December 2004. Other troop contributions are under national command - committments to provide 67,100 troops were made at the Helsinki EU session in 2000. Some 56,000 EU troops were actually deployed in 2003. In August 2004, the new European Defense Agency, tasked with promoting cooperative European defense capabilities, began operations. As of November 2004, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France had proposed creation of three 1,500-man rapid-reaction "battle groups."
Military branches Tonga Defense Services: Land Force (Royal Guard), Naval Force (includes Royal Marines, Air Wing) (2006) -
Military expenditures - percent of GDP 0.9% (2006 est.) -
National holiday Emancipation Day, 4 June (1970) Europe Day 9 May (1950); note - a Union-wide holiday, the day that Robert Schuman proposed the creation of an organized Europe
Nationality noun: Tongan(s)

adjective: Tongan
Natural hazards cyclones (October to April); earthquakes and volcanic activity on Fonuafo'ou flooding along coasts; avalanches in mountainous area; earthquakes in the south; volcanic eruptions in Italy; periodic droughts in Spain; ice floes in the Baltic
Natural resources fish, fertile soil iron ore, arable land, natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, lead, zinc, hydropower, uranium, potash, fish
Net migration rate 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2007 est.) 1.5 migrant(s)/1,000 population (July 2004 est.)
Political parties and leaders People's Democratic Party [Tesina FUKO] Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe or ALDE [Graham R. WATSON]; Independence/Democracy Group or IND/DEM [Jens-Peter BONDE and Nigel FARAGE]; Group of Greens/European Free Alliance or Greens/EFA [Monica FRASSONI and Daniel Marc COHN-BENDIT]; Socialist Group in the European Parliament or PES [Martin SCHULZ]; Confederal Group of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left or EUL/NGL [Francis WURTZ]; European People's Party-European Democrats or EPP-ED [Hans-Gert POETTERING]; Union for Europe of the Nations Group or UEN [Brian CROWLEY and Cristiana MUSCARDINI]
Political pressure groups and leaders Human Rights and Democracy Movement Tonga or HRDMT [Rev. Simote VEA, chairman]; Public Servant's Association [Finau TUTONE] -
Population 116,921 (July 2007 est.) 456,285,839 (July 2004 est.)
Population below poverty line 24% (FY03/04) NA
Population growth rate 1.847% (2007 est.) 0.17% (July 2004 est.)
Ports and harbors - Antwerp (Belgium), Barcelona (Spain), Bremen (Germany), Copenhagen (Denmark), Gdansk (Poland), Hamburg (Germany), Helsinki (Finland), Las Palmas (Canary Islands, Spain), Le Havre (France), Lisbon (Portugal), London (UK), Marseille (France), Naples (Italy), Peiraiefs or Piraeus (Greece), Riga (Latvia), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Stockholm (Sweden), Talinn (Estonia)
Radio broadcast stations AM 1, FM 4, shortwave 1 (2001) AM 866, FM 13,396, shortwave 73 (1998); note - sum of individual country radio broadcast stations; there is also a European-wide station (Euroradio)
Railways - total: 222,293 km

broad gauge: 28,438 km

standard gauge: 186,405 km

narrow gauge: 7,427 km

other: 23 km (2003)
Religions Christian (Free Wesleyan Church claims over 30,000 adherents) Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish
Sex ratio at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

under 15 years: 1.043 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 0.986 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.738 male(s)/female

total population: 0.993 male(s)/female (2007 est.)
at birth: NA

under 15 years: 1.06 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 1.01 male(s)/female

65 years and older: 0.69 male(s)/female

total population: 0.96 male(s)/female (July 2004 est.)
Suffrage 21 years of age; universal 18 years of age; universal
Telephone system general assessment: competition between Tonga Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) and Shoreline Communications Tonga (SCT) is accelerating expansion of telecommunications; SCT recently granted authority to develop high-speed digital service for telephone, Internet, and television

domestic: fully automatic switched network

international: country code - 676; satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Pacific Ocean) (2004)
note - see individual country entries of member states
Telephones - main lines in use 13,700 (2005) 238,763,162 (2002)
Telephones - mobile cellular 29,900 (2005) 314,644,700 (2002)
Television broadcast stations 3 (2004) 2,791 (1995); note - does not include repeaters; sum of indiviual country television broadcast stations; there is also a European-wide station (Eurovision)
Terrain most islands have limestone base formed from uplifted coral formation; others have limestone overlying volcanic base fairly flat along the Baltic and Atlantic coast; mountainous in the central and southern areas
Total fertility rate 2.75 children born/woman (2007 est.) 1.48 children born/woman (July 2004 est.)
Unemployment rate 13% (FY03/04 est.) 9.1% (2004 est.)
Waterways - 53,512 km
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